Sunday, 19 October 2014

Week 3 - 2 Point Perspective Studies & Life Drawing

During the third week I began drawing studies in 2 point perspective. I tried to focus on a small local area, where I drew small structures and parts of a building, a local Tesco Express. Eventually I decided to make this building my main subject to study. Since this particular building had a simple brick surface, which was also very similar on all sides; I decided to not spend time on drawing these details, it was something I wanted to add when working on my final drawing. Instead I looked more into its structure, tonal differences and the various objects such as lights or cameras, which were attached to it. 

Something that really interested me as well, was the surrounding buildings and how they blended together with this one. Even some trolleys and containers behind the Tesco Espress fitted its scenery so well (shown on the 5th thumbnail above). This was because they had a purpose to be there, they were used to contain torn apart and broken down cardboard boxes. There even was a balcony on the other side of the buidling, filled with interesting details in its supporting pillars, but it didn't seem to be in use what prevented me from getting there. The tower section, which is used as an entrance, had these tall, thin windows, reaching all the way up to the top. Their unique shape was like a form of a focus point of the building to me. They drew my attention the most when looking from distance.

Drawing these windows was a challenge, since in 2 point perspective I had to make sure they are even on both sides, they needed to align correctly too. It was important in order to strengthen the impression of scale, of this building and more importantly its tower. I decided to also include a nearby tree in my final drawing, this tree was part of the scene after all and it supported my focus on the tower well. It gave our eyes something to compare the tower to, to realise its strong and tall structure. Something I felt, needed to be left out of this drawing, was the Bede Island building in the background. Focusing too much detail on it would steer our eyes away from the subject of this drawing, the tower. Additionally, since the brick texture of this Tesco building was so small, it seemed impossible to draw, so I tried to create an impression of it by shading horizontally on the walls. This way my drawing wasn't too busy with detail and remained clear to view.

Life Drawing

Similarly to my previous week, I attempted the quick continuous-line drawings. Similarly to the last week, I managed to draw more accurately with my left hand, as seen on the left 2 drawings. This time though my right-handed drawings weren't that far behind with their accuracy, I must say these were very similar to each other.
Next I moved onto 2 drawings, each drawn within 5 minutes. I still lacked timing at this stage, as I didn't manage to move onto actually drawing the model, I only marked a few sections of the models body this time.

On the following positions, the model sat in a very difficult position on a sofa chair, the angle at which she sat from me, created a strong foreshortening. I was very careful to correctly measure each area and I managed to progress quite a lot with these final drawings. In the first one, I made a few marks to suggest the size and angle of the sofa chair. Then I moved onto marking out the body, while comparing it's proportions against the chair. This technique worked for both of the drawings but in the first one I wasn't a fast efficient with my mark making, what resulted in drawing only a half of the models body. The last drawing progressed slightly better as I additionally drew a section of the legs, as well as some facial details.

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