Sunday 19 April 2015

Week 29 - Toyota Hilux Zombie Version, Life Drawing & Zombie Survival Presentation


It's seperated into sections. Firstly, the top-right shows other pickup trucks, my truck idea could consist of improvised repairs, such as having parts from other pickup trucks, in case there are no vehicles of same make around in the apocalypse. Top-right is mainly containers that may be placed or attached to my behicle in some of the ideas. The bottom left consists of modified vehicles of all kinds, from those I'd like to sample some ideas and modifications. Next to that are weapons that I  found to be the most effective or useful in case of a Zombie Apocalypse, although some were simply picked for their appearance/design (rubber-band gun). I focused the centre of my mood board on vehicle damage like collision marks/dents and surface details like scratches. Lastly, the top area has a few illustrations and paintings. I found these to have nice colour schemes and details which could inspire some of my ideas, as I was thinking about making my vehicle look slightly futuristic. There isn't a set time or year in which an Apocalypse could start. An old pickup truck, refurbished with parts of modern vehicles could be the only way to survive.


As I mentioned earlier, some of the ideas were aimed to have that slight futuristic feel to them. I was starting by making some basic modified versions of the pickup truck, but then moved onto some armoured and uniquely shaped versions. A few ideas in the bottom 2 rows came up  through that process. These don't necessarily have a clear, futuristic appearance, but it was something I kept in mind and tried to implement. Additionally, some of my ideas look aggressive, clean and give out that "prepared for somethnig" feel which is great.

Concept Progress

The final idea was made by mixing 3 of my favourite chosen ideas. The wire-fence window protection from the 7th idea, the body of the 12th idea and the bumper armour taken from the 13th idea. I plan to begin experimenting with my Toyota pickup model more now. I aim to model most of the components I painted on the idea above, but I will also keep in mind that I shouldn't take complexity of the design too far. It would become too comples or heavy looking and not functional enough. It is an aspect of the design which I will judge my model on, but after I model most if not all of the parts. Also, adding too many additional surfaces would cause my texture space to become limited and lessen the quality of the design. I will need to be careful with that area too.

Life Drawing

This session was about us drawing eachother, like before we came to the centre of the room to stand in any pose we wanted. First ones lasted only a minute or two each, the rest lasted for roughly 5 minutes. 

A few of use held a cardboard tube to support some of our poses and give them more meaning. This also helped us partly make our body mass more understandable, as holding an object made us look busy and active. The top right drawing and the final show this well. The models looked more involved and dynamic, Dynamism is another aspect I'd like to say something about. I found my last drawing to express a lot of dynamism due to my style of mark making then. I can almost make out how the model was movingand not just see that he's standing and holding a tube. He looks ready, prepared and about to act on something. I'm really happy about how this one turned out.

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