Sunday 15 March 2015

Week 27 - Toyota Hilux Pickup Modeling & Unwrapping


Unlike in the past week, now all the parts of the truck have the same colour as I have attached them to eachother since the model was near completion. Having it as one object made it easier for me to manage, when adding more details. I felt I would get slightly confused if it remained that way. I also readjusted some verts in the windows, front bumper and bonnet to add more definition.

I then needed to focus on adding some form of a "grip" that would attach the wheels to the metal tube holding them. It's only a shape that suggests this part, not a detailed model of it as this area of the car is not very visible. The car body needed to be completed on the inside, so that it was a closed shape. I initially made a flat plane to make the body's bottom, then I strip modelled from it to connect to other areas of the body like front bumper's inside and the doors. I even decided to add an exhaust pipe in there with a hook that holds it in place.

I didn't spend much time on making the registration plate as it's a simple object and not an important part fo this vehicl. I left it as a flat rectangle, made of just a few triangles. The tail gate details needed to be added too, I'm talking about the indentation that follows around the upper side and follows slightly to the bottom on each side. Making those back lights was tricky, as they won't be that visible when modelled. Their appearance will mostly rely on how I will texture them later, so for now I extruded their shape into the main body by a few millimeters.

At this stage all I had left was to adjust the raised areas for the wheels in the pickup's bed and the bed area itself. It needed to have the right shape and roughly similar dimenstions to the real pickup here.

I've have eventually appraoched the end and finished my model. I needed to stop adding any more details here, as my model was close to exceeding my triangle budget. It was currently at 5,800 triangles and my budget was just 6,000 triangles. 

Life Drawing

Since last week's life drawing focused around drawing the model's hands and feet; we now used this week to draw her head (mostly facial details). I enjoyed finally having some more time to focus on drawing our model's head as usually I left this area out or drew it very roughly, only as a suggestion to allow myself to draw the whole body in perspective etc.
The usual warm up drawings were done first to get me into the mood of drawing. Then we moved onto 1 minute short poses of her head from different angles. The ones from the front with a slight tilt were the hardest to draw; I drew her face too flat on those, what is disappointing. I'll tried harder at measuring on the final drawing, which happened to be the toughest pose for me to draw and I think I managed to draw it ll. I was satisfied with my drawing this time. The hair was still unfinished, also some rendering was too dark, but overall The angles of the face was clear to understand from my drawing which proves my measuring has not failed this time.

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